Frequently Asked Questions

What is this?

Check out our about page.

Who are you?

Check out my about page.

What do you sell?

Nada. Nothing. Zip. We provide you with the tools you need to make the right buying decisions from the products already available in the market.

So, what’s in it for you?

You know those weird people who dedicate their lives to a cause? The ones who are so invested in creating change you worry they might be clinically obsessed? Yup, I’m one of those. I provide all of this information for free, no strings attached. Really. I believe it’s madness that bra education/information is locked away in the vaults of the industry. I’m here to change that. Enjoy the info, learn from it, and if you find it helpful, please spread the word so others may benefit.

Do any of these brands pay you?

Nope. My product reviews are unbiased.

Is this a test lab?

No, the tests aren't performed under laboratory conditions, and you’ll notice the reviews don’t have any statistics. However, I’m certain that after you watch one of the reviews, you’ll agree that the information provided is comprehensive enough for you to make an informed decision.

Are you really the only American with a M.A. in Lingerie Design?

Yes. Specifically, the title of my degree is “M.A. Design, Contour Fashion.” (see below) My degree was tailored so each class was custom designed to examine sports bra design, biomechanics, engineering, and innovation. Unfortunately, the school I attended, De Montfort University (DMU) in the UK, no longer offers that customized degree. However, if you have a background in lingerie design, you can get a “M.A. Fashion and Textiles” at DMU and concentrate your thesis in contour fashion.

What is contour fashion?

You may have noticed that our friends across the pond sometimes use different words than us. In the UK, a truck is a “lorry,” an eraser is a “rubber” (no lie), and lingerie design is “contour fashion.”

If this page didn't answer your question, you can also contact us here.